The Secret to Clothes Shopping Like a Pro

So what exactly does it mean to be a “PRO” at shopping for clothes? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s being able to go out and find exactly what you need in a reasonable amount of time, and–here’s the
big one– not buying clothing you end up taking home and never wearing. Sound impossible? I promise you it’s not.
Let me just tell you, if shopping were an Olympic Sport, I’d be the equivalent to Michael Phelps. I know, sounds like bragging, but it’s true. Why am I so good at it you ask? Easy, because I go in with a plan. I prepare. I have a strategy. Just like Michael Phelps didn’t come right out of the womb knowing how to do the backstroke, you weren’t born knowing how to be an efficient shopper. It can be learned! By you. Let me share with you the secrets of sweet shopping victory.
Have a vision.
Start by collecting pictures of outfits you love. The easiest way to do this is to make your own “Style board” on Pinterest. Don’t have a Pinterest account? Start ripping pages from magazines and create a style folder . Once you have a good amount of pictures, you’ll be able to start identifying the patterns and trends in your style. This will help you know what to look for when shopping and when searching for a new outfit in your closet.
Shop the Closet.
One of the biggest mistakes women make when shopping, is buying pieces too much like what they already own. First, go through all the pieces in your closet and try them all on. Get rid of what doesn’t fit, purge excess multiples, and keep only what you love. See if anything you own is similar to anything in the pictures from the Style board/folder you’ve created. You may already have a beginning piece to a new outfit, or an entire outfit you have not thought of! Put outfits together and snap pictures of them. Keep all these pictures in one place, this is your Stylebook.
Now, what pieces are you missing that could help you create more outfits? That’s your shopping list. Write it down!
I’ve got three more key tips to shopping success. Make sure to check back next Thursday to find out the rest of shopping game plan!
Until then,
Wear it Out!!
