Closet Clean-Out Guide What to Keep & What to Toss

A client's closet before and after the closet clean-out.
2017 is finally here! Hip, hip, HOO-RAY! I am personally so excited because a New Year means a fresh, new start. Speaking of fresh, new starts, I'm moving to a new condo at the end of February ( SO pumped), and even though I will have more house/closet space, one of my New Year's resolutions is to own less stuff! Why do you ask? Because it will help me accomplish my other resolution -- become more efficient in my day-to-day life. By owning less stuff, I can be more organized and quickly accomplish my day-to-day tasks. The most popular closet complaint I get from my clients is that their closets are overwhelming and they are not wearing half of their clothes. However, when they try to start purging, they have no idea what to get rid of and what to keep. Well, to help you get your New Year off to an efficient start, I've compiled a Closet Clean-Out Guide!
1. Get your style juices flowing.
Before even stepping foot in your closet, get on Pinterest and start collecting outfit ideas. Create a style board and pin all the outfits you love. Search "2017 Fashion Trends" and update yourself on what will be "in" this coming season. Analyze pictures of outfits by breaking down the pieces of clothing and making written notes about the pieces that show up repeatedly in the pictures you've collected (i.e- white button down shirt, flared jeans, etc). Search for recurring themes throughout your pictures to find your general style or vision (i.e classic, preppy, edgy, boho). Also, keep track of certain colors that keep coming popping up as well. When you step into your closet, you will see the potential in the clothes you already own and will have a great foundation for building outfits from them.
2. Before getting rid of anything, try it on first!
So many of my clients have almost tossed a clothing gem in the donation pile because, "Oh that? It's really old" or "I've had it forever". Do not ever let the age of something decide whether it should be tossed or not. Now, if the piece is visibly aged (i.e it's pilly, looks worn, is faded, or has holes), that is another story. If you love it, there are plenty of clothing and shoe remedies to look into before parting ways, and a piece that fits well is timeless, my friends! You can easily create an updated outfit with an "older" piece by adding a trendy shoe, accessory, or handbag. Also, remember to stay to true to you and your personal style. Fashion always repeats itself so the bottom line is.... If you love it, keep it!
These first two steps are the perfect start to your wardrobe refresh. I have several other points that are crucial for your closet clean-out that I will blog about next Friday!
I hope this was helpful friends!
Until next time,
Wear it Out!
